Thursday, April 30, 2020

Friday 1st May - Home Learning

Captain Tom Moore gets special postmark to celebrate 100th ...

Good morning Year 2,

It is almost the weekend, keep going today, you can do this! As promised yesterday
we have changed the plan so that we can focus on celebrating Captain Tom Moore's
achievement. Please share your work with us as we love seeing what you create!

Today's home learning tasks

Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of these questions:
Fiction: Who is the author?

Non Fiction: Why does this book contain technical vocabulary?

The Magical Teaching Box
Today we would like you to focus on page 8, which requires you to r
ead about Zenus and then use the details to create a labelled sketch of Zenus.


Captain Tom Moore

Yesterday was Captain Tom Moore's 100th birthday. Whilst we have been learning at home, he has been raising money for the NHS. To do this Captain Tom Moore completed 100 laps of his 25m back garden and raised over £28 million for the NHS!
Discuss with someone you live with: How can one person make a big difference?
The things we do affect the world around us and we can all make a positive difference to our world.
Challenge 1 – Write a letter or thank you card and send it to someone who has made a difference in your local community.
Challenge 2 – Draw a picture of Captain Tom Moore completing his challenge.
Poster of Captain Tom Moore
Information about Captain Tom Moore

Join one of Rob Biddulph’s draw along videos. If you need any help Reggie is very good at following these videos.

Optional Extra: Phonics

If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on e-e and today focuses on ie.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - exploring the book of Funnybones by Allan Ahlberg
Maths - weekly maths challenge
Music - body percussion

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Freya. We have awarded Freya Star of the Day because she has worked incredibly hard following the draw along with Rob videos. As a result she has drawn all of the pictures below!



Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2, we have enjoyed seeing all of your wonderful drawings today of Zeus, Captain Tom Moore and Drawing with Rob. It really did turn into a very creative day. In a meeting today Mr Condon said how pleased he is with all of the effort you are putting into your home learning, both carers and children - so well done! Give yourselves a pat on the back as we really do recognise and appreciate all of your hard work.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Ella retelling Pandora's Box

Drawings of the characters from Pandora's Box

Grace is playing Times Table Rock Stars
Drawings of Captain Tom Moore

Drawing with Rob

Ella made a card thanking her parents who work for the NHS
Grace and her sister carried out an investigation to learn about density

Lexi enjoyed some time in her garden

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thursday 30th April - Home Learning

Looking after yourself | University of Westminster, London

Good morning Year 2

Thank you for all of your wonderful emails. You are all working so hard and creating work that you should be very proud of! It was such a fantastic day yesterday as four children were awarded Stars of the Day. Well done Tallulah, Lexi, Isobel and Logan!

We are missing all of you and understand that this may feel like a difficult time. Please look after yourselves by making time to learn, be creative, eat well, exercise, be with your family and have a good night's sleep.

Here are today's learning tasks:

Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of these questions:
Fiction: Why do you think the author choose this title

Non Fiction: Can you find an example of a page that has an interesting layout? Why did you choose it?

If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on ea and today focuses on e-e .

BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - creating sentences with description
Maths - working out how much change
RE - the Story of Passover

The Magical Teaching Box
Today we would like you to focus on pages 7-8, which requires you to continue reading the next part of the story and then write what you liked about the story, give a reason why.


Reading Past Times on an Analogue Clock
We would like you to continue to practice writing past times and then there are two time challenge word problems for you to solve.

The mirror image of a clock shows a time of 4:25. Then what is the ...Telling Time to Five MinutesQuarter Past Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
Clock Of Pattern Brown Wood In Nine O'clock Isolated On White ...Telling the Time (5 Minute Intervals Past and To the Hour ...Clock Clipart Half Past Time
Joe gets home at 10 minutes past 6, she watches TV for 1 hour. What time does she finish watching TV?

A business person has a coffee break at quarter past 10, after quarter of an hour she goes back to her work. What time did she start working again?

Look carefully at the map below. Find the United Kingdom and Nigeria. Use the compass directions below to work out which direction we would need to travel in to fly to Nigeria.

Compass Directions | Teaching Ideas
World Map With Countries Zoomable Pictures to Pin on ...

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Ella. We chose Ella because she created a well thought out story map to help retell the story of Pandora's Box to her family. As well as this Ella has consistently worked incredibly hard every day and has completed each task to her very best ability. Well done Ella!

Daily Reflection
Once again we have been in awe of the work you have produced. We are so pleased with the way you are all focusing on home learning and doing your very best! It slipped our minds that it was Captain Tom Moore's 100th birthday today so tomorrow one of our home learning tasks will focus on him. If you are unsure of who he is please ask your parents or watch CBBC Newsround to find out.

Here are some photos of your home learning

Exploring the Story of Pandora's Box

Lexi went out for a walk
Ella and Frankie have been telling the time
Logan has been counting money
Frankie wrote an adventure story
Reggie has been playing Times Table Rock Stars and achieved over 100 points in a game!
Learning about Nigeria
Recently Tallulah has enjoyed cooking lots of yummy treats! 

Logan is looking after her tomato plants
Ella and Tallulah have been very creative too!

Tallulah has also been planting tomato plants

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...