Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Wednesday 15th July - Home Learning

A Huge Shout Out...

Good morning Super Star Home Learners!

It is Jolly Wednesday as we are half way through the school week. I hope you are all well and managing to complete some of our home learning tasks each day. 

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube.

Read a text of your choice for 10 minutes. 

Our phonics this week is split into three sections.
1. Write out the alphabet both lowercase and in capitals.
2. Play Buried Treasure Phase 5 using Phonics.
3. Play the tricky words roll and read challenge. Click on the link below to print two copies of the resource. Find someone to play with you, each of you will need the sheet and a dice. Take it in turns to roll the dice and say the first word next to the matching number on the dice. The first person to complete a whole row wins.
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/    username: march20           password:home                                                                          

The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Today we would like you to turn to page 11-12, which guide you through a Story Map Challenge to make Mr Quangle Wangle's Hat than reate your own story map for the first verse of Quangle Wangle.
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet

Spend 10-20 minutes on Numbots.

Mental Maths Recall
1. Count up to 40 and then back down to 0. Can you complete this in less than 2 minutes?
2. Practice counting in 2s. For example 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4 . . .
3. Answer addition number sentences from either challenge 1 or challenge 2.

Challenge 1

20 + 8 =                     39 + 4 =
25 + 6 =                     19 + 11 =

Challenge 2
77 + 23 =                   72 + 55 =
104 + 21 =                 36 + 75 =

Friendship Paper Chains
We would like you to think of friends you miss spending time with. You are going to create a picture of them on a paper person change. Once you have turned each person into one of your friends spend time writing on the back of each one what makes that person special to you. 

How to Make Paper Doll Chains - Friday Fun Craft Projects - Aunt ...

Story Time
Today's story has a powerful message, it is called The Day the Crayons Quit.

Daily Reflection
Good evening Year 2, I hope you are feeling settled and sleepy, ready for a good night's sleep. Some of us who are back learning in school are definitely feeling more sleepy at the moment, it is tiring adjusting to a new school routine. We are so pleased to hear from some of you who are our amazing home learners, thank you. Have a good rest tonight. From Mrs Leaker

Some photos of Macy and Josiah's home learning


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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...