Thursday, July 16, 2020

Friday 17th July

Last day of half term | St Michael's Infant School
Good morning Year 2,

We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to remember. Mrs Triggs and I are so proud of those of you who are continuing to complete home learning every day, yourselves and your families have done amazingly well! 

During the summer holidays please continue to read your school reading books a few times a week.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body

Get ready for learning by designing your own morning workout and then have fun teaching it to your family, this is another chance to become Joe Wicks.

Read a text of your choice for 10 minutes. 

Our phonics is split into two parts.
1. Write out the alphabet both lowercase and in capitals.
2. Phonics Play flash cards Phase 5 using Phonics Play.    username: march20           password:home      

The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Today we would like you to turn to page 16-18, which guide you through a Poetry Challenge to underline similes and then write your own poem. 
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet

Spend 10-20 minutes on Numbots.

Mental Maths Recall
1. Count up to 100 and then back down in 10s. Can you complete this in less than 1 minute? In my bubble yesterday we completed this in 30 seconds!
2. Practice writing the numbers in word form e.g. one, two, three . . . . How high a number can you go up to?
3. Click on the link below and select one of the subtraction roll and race challenges (dice required).

Draw a silhouette of yourself and fill it with drawings of the things you value.

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2, we have finished our year together. Well done to all of you who have continued to learn. Mrs Triggs and I were talking earlier about what a happy, creative and caring class you have been. Thank you for all of our gifts. You are all so kind and we are really going to miss you all. Have a great summer!

From Mrs Leaker
                                            Feel The Joy Of Your Own Achievements! Make Celebration Part Of ...

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...