Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday 30th March - Home Learning

Two Clocks

Good morning Year 2

We hope you are all well and had a fun weekend with your families. This week the weather will be cooler so make sure you find ways to keep moving.

A great way to start your day is with some exercise. There are plenty of fun ways you can do this, such as a 9am workout with Joe Wicks on You Tube or dancing with Go Noodle .

For the next few weeks our topic is time. This week we are going to remind ourselves of the clock face and the hour hand.

Your tasks for today:
1. Make a list of the days of the week. Make sure you begin each day with a capital letter. Afterwards write them out again and cut around each word. Without looking at your list see if you can put them in the right order.

2. Make a clock that only has the hour hand, which can move around your clock. Your clock can be made by cutting a circle out of card or paper. A paper plate is another way of making a clock. A pipe cleaner could be used to make the hour hand or you might even have a split pin so you can attach an hour hand on. You will need this clock for a few weeks.

3. Find out the answers to the questions below.
       What day is it today?
      What day was it yesterday?
      What day will it be tomorrow?
      How many days are in a week?

4. Spend ten minutes reading one of your reading books.

Don't forget to post a comment on the blog below and email us pictures, which you are happy for us to upload onto the blog. Our email address is We are looking forward to seeing all of your clocks and the fun things you get up to today. Remember we are looking for a 'Star of the Day' so please do share your learning with us.

Have a settled day back into home learning,

Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Ella!

Well done Ella, we loved watching your performance of the Days of the Week song.

Today's Reflection
It has been such a good start to the week, as so many of you are starting to stay in daily contact with us. Thank you Year 2 and all of your families for leaving comments on our blog and sending us such lovely emails, which demonstrate all of the amazing home learning you are doing. It has been such a blessing looking through all of the videos and photographs we have received.

We have seen some fantastic clocks which have the feature of a movable hour hand. If you have been unable to make your clock today please find time to make it soon, as it will support your clock work this week and beyond.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Making clocks with an hour hand





Taking part in our drawing with Rob challenge

Reading and creating your own stories


Helping your families

Creating Lego models
Grace created a Lego playground, which has fun slides and swings.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone in year 2, hope you are all well. I've just been shown how to see what you are all up to. From Mrs Selway

Anonymous said...

Good morning Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs, I hope you are well. I miss you all and my friends. from EMILY

Anonymous said...

Hello Emily it's Mrs Selway it's lovely to hear from you. Hope you are all well

Logan Griffiths said...

Good morning from Logan

Anonymous said...

I am well, thank you Mrs selway,from EMILY

Anonymous said...

Good evening Emily, it is so lovely to hear from you. We miss you all too, especially all your smiling faces! Mrs Triggs and I are both well and keeping busy planning fun things for you all to do. Take care Emily and please stay in touch so we know you are well.
From Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Anonymous said...

Evening Logan, we are so pleased you have managed to add a comment to our blog. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone in year 2, it's Mrs Selway and I'm just about to start my Joe Wicks PE session. Hope you are all well.

Anonymous said...

Couture said...Hello!

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...