Thursday, June 18, 2020

Friday 19th June - Home Learning

Сurrent weather and forecast - OpenWeatherMap
Good morning Year 2,

Have any of you looked at the weather forecast for next week? I advise you to do so, as it is looking WONDERFUL. Get the suntan lotion ready.

If your parents/carers are happy for you to meet with Mrs Gray and I on Tuesday through using Zoom, please remind them to contact the school by either phoning the school office or emailing me using the class email address, 

Today's Learning Tasks:

School Sports Day - All The Fun Without The Injury

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by designing your own sports day race and then have fun doing your race with someone you live with.

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words, The Boy Who Came by Boat by Nima PReading 
1. Listen to the story 'The Boy Who Came by Boat', which has been written by Nima P. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link below

2.Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - have you ever been in a similar situation to the character in the book?  What happened?
Non-fiction text - what makes this text successful?

Reflective Writing |Reflective writing
Today we would like you to take time thinking about the time you have spent at home during the spread of coronavirus. Write some notes on:

Why are we stuck in our homes?  
What have you been learning whilst being at home?
What were your favourite lockdown moments?
What other parts of your life have had to change?
What do you miss?
What have you enjoyed?
What have you not enjoyed?
What can we learn to make our world a better place?

Afterwards turn this into a page of writing, so that you can look back at this when you are older and remember what your life was like. If you re in Mrs Holmes handwriting group please focus on forming each letter properly. If you are in my handwriting group I am expecting you to be writing using a cursive style of handwriting - I know you can do this. 

Fraction Fanatics! - St Mary & St Pancras Primary School, Camden ...Fractions
Today is our last lesson on fractions. To locate the lesson make sure you scroll down to the fractions subheading before selecting lesson 10.

Select lesson 10: to consolidate and review 

Ms. Sleight's Class blog: Animals and their offspring !: 2015Science
We are continuing our theme of animals by matching up animals and their babies, also known as offspring. Click on the first link to write down the names of each baby animal. The second link is a challenge to list 20 offspring.

Daily Reflection
Good evening Year 2, sorry it has taken me a while to update our blog. It has been another great day, as we have seen at least four children who are writing cursively and it looks so grown up! Thank you for sharing your rainbows with us, it is so good to see you have all used different materials to create them. We are really looking forward to seeing most of the class in our Zoom session on Tuesday, if you would like to join please check to see if your parents/careers have sent us parental permission.
Have a wonderful weekend, especially as it is Father's Day on Sunday!

Some photos of your home learning we have received today
Creating more rainbows

Animals created using Draw with Rob

Reflective writing focused on our experiences of lockdown

Completing our fractions unit

Learning the names of animal offspring

Lexi has written a story


Freya created her animal puppets

Ella competed a crawling challenge against her brother

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...