Sunday, June 14, 2020

Monday 15th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Please feel free to share what you have been up to with us, as we love to hear from you all. This weekend I have enjoyed having a picnic in my parents garden and walking. 

Please look carefully at today's learning tasks, because we have made some changes since the weekly plan was shared on Friday. 

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up for learning

The Learning Warm-Up - Matthew Reynolds - Medium
Gymnastics Challenge
This is a PE resource created by Ashton Park. There are 5 levels from 'Rookie' to Platinum and all of these can be practised and performed in a small space either in or outside, with no equipment. You can add the option to put together some 'freestyle' sequences as well. An introduction to this is on this link
The challenge videos are all on this link  


Complete a PE warm up of your choice (Go Noodle, Cosmic Kids, Disney Shake Up, Joe Wicks or create your own routine). 


BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words, A Night with the Stars by Holly A1. Listen to the story 'A Night with the Stars', which has been written by a girl called Holly. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - what happened in the story?
Non-fiction text - where would you look to find out what a technical word means?

What is a rainbow? : TigtagRainbows, rainbows everywhere!
This week we will be finishing the rainbow booklet. Turn to page 14, which requires you to complete compound word challenges. If you would like a quick refresher of what a compound word is, watch the BBC clip below.
The link for this pack is below.

Primary-school maths aids | Maths aids for primary parents ...We are continuing to focus on fractions this week. Make sure you scroll down to the fractions subheading before selecting lesson 6, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes lesson. 
Select Lesson 6: to identify unit fractions of quantity.

You may wish to have objects with you such as pencils, beads or pieces of pasta to help solve some of the quiz questions.

Discuss the questions below with someone in your family:
·       What do you think made us grow?
·       Who helped us grow?
·       What do you want to be able to do when you are grown up?
Write down your responses to the questions and share them with us.

We look forward to hearing from you whether it is to share weekend news, show us photos of your learning or to ask questions. Have a good day.

Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

This morning's WOW moment has been created by Macy. Check out the quality of her non-fiction writing about volcanoes!

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Macy. We have chosen Macy because she wowed us this morning with her non-fiction writing. Well done Macy!

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2. We hope those of you we have not heard from are okay. We are so pleased to see some of you are working hard to develop your handwriting whilst learning at home. Thank you for sharing what you would like to do when you are older, it is so good for us to have dreams to work towards achieving. Have a good evening and make sure you have a good nights sleep ready for learning tomorrow. From Mrs Leaker

Some photos of what you have been up to today
Conrad created a goodbye banner for Mrs Triggs

Ella warmed up with Oti's Boogie Beebies

Conrad, Isobel, Tallulah, Ella and Grace reflected on growth

Drawings of changes by Kaye and Macy

Kaye has been taking photos from different angles


Kaye created an unicorn stationary tin
Ella, Isobel, Tallulah and Conrad's fraction work

Tallulah, Grace, Macy and Isobel's word challenge

Lexi created a volcano with her sister and had fun climbing trees

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...