Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday 1st April - Home learning

April Fool Day 2018 : Why We Call 1st April as Fool's Day?

Good morning Year Two,

It is the first of April today, which is also known as April Fool's Day. Watch out for any tricks your family or friends may try to play on you.

Your tasks for today:
1. Log into Times Tables Rock Stars and spend some time accurately answering multiplications. If you log in at the same time as a friend you could challenge them to a head-to-head in the Arena. I wonder who will be our Top Scorer over the next 7 days?

2. Watch ‘BBC Schools: Numbertime: Time-Months and Seasons’ on YouTube. 
Afterwards draw out 12 boxes on a page. In each box write the months in order and how many days there are in each month.
Lattice multiplication #1 | NCpedia
3. For this task you will need your clocks. Point your hour hand so it is pointing exactly at a number and write down : What the time is now.
                            What the time will be in 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours.

4.Can you solve these challenge time word problems?
    a. If a chocolate cake goes in the oven at 1 o’clock and bakes for 1 hour, what time does it come out? 
    b. Michael and Sophie were playing in the garden. They both went outside at 10 o'clock. Michael came back inside after 1 hour. Sophie stayed outside for an extra 2 hours. What time did Sophie come in?

5. Without looking at your months of the year sheet, see if you can tell someone all of the months in the correct order.

Hope you have a wonderful first day of a brand new month. We are looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Our Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Lexi for her amazing model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. 

Today's Reflection
We hope you are all well. It seems to be a very quiet day as we have only heard back from a few children today. Please do stay in touch with us. The clock work seems to be going well. Well done for persevering and being determined to solve our time challenges.

We now have a copy of the Year 2 log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars. Please do get in contact if you need another copy of your child's log in details.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Lexi's amazing Clifton Suspension Bridge. I wonder if any of you will spot it if you go out for your daily walk?

Using our clocks to solve tasks
Reggie has really been enjoying the Drawing with Rob challenges.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday 31st March - Home Learning

It's never too late to try to change the world #MondayMotivation ...

Good Morning Year 2,

It is important to remember how special and important we are. With this in mind I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the above Roald Dahl quote with you. At the moment we are all helping our world change by staying in our homes and only leaving to go out for a walk, but I wonder how you will help make our world a better place way into the future.

Your tasks for today:
1. Write about what you did yesterday morning, afternoon and evening. Try to use some of these words: before, after, first, next, then, finally, morning, afternoon and evening.

2. Practice moving the hour hand so that it points to different numbers on your clock. It is important to make sure the hour hand points exactly at the number. Each time you have moved it say the time e.g if it points at the 4 say “4 o’clock”.

3. How many clocks can you find in your house? They can be analogue or digital.
Brand New Silver Round ANALOGUE CLOCKS Ideal for Any Room in Home ...                     Plumeet Easy to Set, Large Digital LCD Travel Alarm Clock with ...

4. Can you solve these challenge time word problems?
     John leaves for football at 10 o'clock. It takes him one hour to get there.What time does he get there?
     I catch my train at 5 o'clock and my journey takes 3 hours. What time will I arrive?
     Toby went on holiday for 3 weeks. How many days was he away for in total?

5. Share your home learning with us through email or by leaving a comment on our blog.

Our Stars of the Day

Well done Reggie and Joey!! We have chosen both of you today, because your are our Times Tables Rock Stars 'Top Scorers' from over the past week. 

Today's Reflection
We are delighted to hear from so many of you. Looking at your work and listening to your parents we know you are all managing to read the time on your clocks, well done!

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Lexi created a rainbow
Writing recounts about yesterday
Logan's recount

Conrad's recount

Ella's recount

Grace's recount

     Reggie's recount

 Kaye made her game called 'It's Doughnut Time'

Kaye has been racing her brother, she did so well!

Lexi and her sister enjoying yoga.

Kaye has been clock spotting

Ella has been drawing

Reading the time on our clocks

Frankie's clock work

 Reggie reading the time


Grace has been teaching her sister 

Creating bubbles using washing up liquid, a bottle and a sock - very impressive!

Hello Year 2 I hope you are all doing your work this morning. Please write a message in the comment box today and tell Mrs Triggs and Mrs Leaker which activity you enjoyed the most.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday 30th March - Home Learning

Two Clocks

Good morning Year 2

We hope you are all well and had a fun weekend with your families. This week the weather will be cooler so make sure you find ways to keep moving.

A great way to start your day is with some exercise. There are plenty of fun ways you can do this, such as a 9am workout with Joe Wicks on You Tube or dancing with Go Noodle   https://family.gonoodle.com/ .

For the next few weeks our topic is time. This week we are going to remind ourselves of the clock face and the hour hand.

Your tasks for today:
1. Make a list of the days of the week. Make sure you begin each day with a capital letter. Afterwards write them out again and cut around each word. Without looking at your list see if you can put them in the right order.

2. Make a clock that only has the hour hand, which can move around your clock. Your clock can be made by cutting a circle out of card or paper. A paper plate is another way of making a clock. A pipe cleaner could be used to make the hour hand or you might even have a split pin so you can attach an hour hand on. You will need this clock for a few weeks.

3. Find out the answers to the questions below.
       What day is it today?
      What day was it yesterday?
      What day will it be tomorrow?
      How many days are in a week?

4. Spend ten minutes reading one of your reading books.

Don't forget to post a comment on the blog below and email us pictures, which you are happy for us to upload onto the blog. Our email address is year.2@ctk.education. We are looking forward to seeing all of your clocks and the fun things you get up to today. Remember we are looking for a 'Star of the Day' so please do share your learning with us.

Have a settled day back into home learning,

Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Ella!

Well done Ella, we loved watching your performance of the Days of the Week song.

Today's Reflection
It has been such a good start to the week, as so many of you are starting to stay in daily contact with us. Thank you Year 2 and all of your families for leaving comments on our blog and sending us such lovely emails, which demonstrate all of the amazing home learning you are doing. It has been such a blessing looking through all of the videos and photographs we have received.

We have seen some fantastic clocks which have the feature of a movable hour hand. If you have been unable to make your clock today please find time to make it soon, as it will support your clock work this week and beyond.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Making clocks with an hour hand





Taking part in our drawing with Rob challenge

Reading and creating your own stories


Helping your families

Creating Lego models
Grace created a Lego playground, which has fun slides and swings.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Make a model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge or SS Great Britain

Our topic this term is focused on responding to the question - why do people still remember Isambard Kingdom Brunel?

As part of our topic we would love you to use recycled packaging to create either the Clifton Suspension Bridge or the SS Great Britain Ship.

New route across Avon is bridge too far for critics | News | The Times

Timeline | Visit Bristol's No.1 Attraction | Brunel's SS Great Britain

We are really looking forward to seeing your creations!

We have already received some photos of your fantastic models, well done Year 2.

Frankie's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Grace's model of the railway line.

Conrad's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Ella's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.


Josiah's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge

Read a book in an unusual place

Have you ever seen someone reading a book in an unusual place? 

Now it is your chance to do the same, but you are going to have to be very imaginative as we are limited to staying inside our homes and gardens for this.

I wonder who will be photographed in the most unusual place?

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...