Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday 26th March - Home Learning

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Good morning Year 2,

You may have noticed that at around 3pm yesterday we added a daily reflection onto our Wednesday's Home Learning Blog. I will try to do this daily, however due to juggling home schooling my daughter and working for our school the time this is posted will vary.

We are continuing our shop theme today and also beginning our game project, have fun and use your imagination.

Your 3 tasks for today:
1. Invent a board game. Today we would like you to gather some ideas for what your game will be like. Please write down ideas you have for your game and draw a picture of it.

2. Mrs Triggs walks into your shop. She want to buy one item from your shop and then she wants to visit your cafe area to buy a drink and something to eat. How much money will she need to have in her purse?

3. Help your family with preparing food for a meal, just as Logan and Reggie are in the photographs below.


Today's Reflection
Here is the key message from the day.

You are a very imaginative group of children, some of you have not only started to plan your board games, but have also finished creating them and even started playing them! Well done, we are so pleased you can now enjoy playing your own board game with your families.

Here are some photos of what you have got up to today

Planning and working towards creating our own board games.

         Grace's game has been inspired by Monopoly and Game of Life.
    Conrad has invented a game I think we would all love to win!
Lexi's McDonalds Monopoly, this game is fantastic as she has used our shop theme of money.
Reggie is planning a fun game called Slug and Spider Webs.

Kaye is planning a Trivia board game.

Having a go at our other blog challenges

Well done Kaye and Ella.

Rising to the challenge of working out how much money Mrs Triggs is going to need.
Conrad worked out out much Mrs Triggs will need by counting the dearest items off of his price list, so that she will have enough if she picked dearer or cheaper items.

Reggie's shop with Mrs Triggs inside buying a racing car, a cake and a milkshake. Did you enjoy the cake and milkshake Mrs Triggs? 
Ella carefully calculated how much Mrs Triggs will need.Helping with preparing food


As well as lots of other wonderful activities.

Ella's dinosaur picture.

Kaye's shop called the Animal Shop.

Kaye's customer description

Kaye's menu.

Kaye has also been tracing.

Lexi has been writing a story.

Reggie's beautiful rainbow, may this rainbow add a smile to many faces.

Thank you so much for all of these wonderful photos, they truly are a celebration of how incredibly talented and special your children are.

Amazing, here is our first blog video of Conrad's game being played.

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Friday 17th July

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