Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday 31st March - Home Learning

It's never too late to try to change the world #MondayMotivation ...

Good Morning Year 2,

It is important to remember how special and important we are. With this in mind I thought it would be a good opportunity to share the above Roald Dahl quote with you. At the moment we are all helping our world change by staying in our homes and only leaving to go out for a walk, but I wonder how you will help make our world a better place way into the future.

Your tasks for today:
1. Write about what you did yesterday morning, afternoon and evening. Try to use some of these words: before, after, first, next, then, finally, morning, afternoon and evening.

2. Practice moving the hour hand so that it points to different numbers on your clock. It is important to make sure the hour hand points exactly at the number. Each time you have moved it say the time e.g if it points at the 4 say “4 o’clock”.

3. How many clocks can you find in your house? They can be analogue or digital.
Brand New Silver Round ANALOGUE CLOCKS Ideal for Any Room in Home ...                     Plumeet Easy to Set, Large Digital LCD Travel Alarm Clock with ...

4. Can you solve these challenge time word problems?
     John leaves for football at 10 o'clock. It takes him one hour to get there.What time does he get there?
     I catch my train at 5 o'clock and my journey takes 3 hours. What time will I arrive?
     Toby went on holiday for 3 weeks. How many days was he away for in total?

5. Share your home learning with us through email or by leaving a comment on our blog.

Our Stars of the Day

Well done Reggie and Joey!! We have chosen both of you today, because your are our Times Tables Rock Stars 'Top Scorers' from over the past week. 

Today's Reflection
We are delighted to hear from so many of you. Looking at your work and listening to your parents we know you are all managing to read the time on your clocks, well done!

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Lexi created a rainbow
Writing recounts about yesterday
Logan's recount

Conrad's recount

Ella's recount

Grace's recount

     Reggie's recount

 Kaye made her game called 'It's Doughnut Time'

Kaye has been racing her brother, she did so well!

Lexi and her sister enjoying yoga.

Kaye has been clock spotting

Ella has been drawing

Reading the time on our clocks

Frankie's clock work

 Reggie reading the time


Grace has been teaching her sister 

Creating bubbles using washing up liquid, a bottle and a sock - very impressive!


Mr Condon said...

Well done everybody - Mr Condon

Anonymous said...

Good morning, is everyone ok. It's my birthday in 2 sleeps. I'm excited

From Lexi B

Anonymous said...

Good morning Year 2, Mrs Triggs here I am just checking the blog is working. I loved all the great clocks you made yesterday.

Unknown said...

2 Sleeps! Not long then Lexi from Mrs Selway

Logan said...

Good morning everyone from Logan Griffiths, ive done the work you set and I will get my mum to email a photo of it.

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon everyone, hope you are having a wonderful day! Not long now Lexi till your big day that is exciting. Thanks Logan I have received the photo of your work, you did so well! =)

Anonymous said...

Isobels been working hard today and having lots of fun,

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, well done Isobel! Pleased to hear you are having fun.

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...