Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday 1st April - Home learning

April Fool Day 2018 : Why We Call 1st April as Fool's Day?

Good morning Year Two,

It is the first of April today, which is also known as April Fool's Day. Watch out for any tricks your family or friends may try to play on you.

Your tasks for today:
1. Log into Times Tables Rock Stars and spend some time accurately answering multiplications. If you log in at the same time as a friend you could challenge them to a head-to-head in the Arena. I wonder who will be our Top Scorer over the next 7 days?

2. Watch ‘BBC Schools: Numbertime: Time-Months and Seasons’ on YouTube. 
Afterwards draw out 12 boxes on a page. In each box write the months in order and how many days there are in each month.
Lattice multiplication #1 | NCpedia
3. For this task you will need your clocks. Point your hour hand so it is pointing exactly at a number and write down : What the time is now.
                            What the time will be in 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours.

4.Can you solve these challenge time word problems?
    a. If a chocolate cake goes in the oven at 1 o’clock and bakes for 1 hour, what time does it come out? 
    b. Michael and Sophie were playing in the garden. They both went outside at 10 o'clock. Michael came back inside after 1 hour. Sophie stayed outside for an extra 2 hours. What time did Sophie come in?

5. Without looking at your months of the year sheet, see if you can tell someone all of the months in the correct order.

Hope you have a wonderful first day of a brand new month. We are looking forward to hearing from all of you.

Our Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Lexi for her amazing model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge. 

Today's Reflection
We hope you are all well. It seems to be a very quiet day as we have only heard back from a few children today. Please do stay in touch with us. The clock work seems to be going well. Well done for persevering and being determined to solve our time challenges.

We now have a copy of the Year 2 log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars. Please do get in contact if you need another copy of your child's log in details.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Lexi's amazing Clifton Suspension Bridge. I wonder if any of you will spot it if you go out for your daily walk?

Using our clocks to solve tasks
Reggie has really been enjoying the Drawing with Rob challenges.


Anonymous said...

Isobel, Lots of work done this morning. Will email photos. Isobel says hello and hopes your are all ok.

Anonymous said...

Hello Isobel, hope you are having lots of fun at home from Mrs Selway

Anonymous said...

Hi its Lexi here. Thank you for making me star of the day it made me very happy.
Miss you all
Lexi B

Anonymous said...

You deserved it Lexi, well done! Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow.
From Mrs Leaker

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mrs Leaker, I woke up at 5.30 very excited

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...