Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday 25th March - Home Learning

Image result for sunshine

Good morning Year 2.

What wonderful weather we had yesterday. Please do take time to get outside in your gardens or for a walk with your family to enjoy the sunshine.

We have been so encouraged by seeing photographs of yourselves working and of your work. Please do continue photographing your work and sending it to us at year.2@ctk.education.

Your 3 tasks for today:
1. Your shop is doing so well you have decided to create a cafe area. Please create a menu so customers can decide what they would like and how much the food and drink will cost them.

2. A customer walks into your shop with £3.50. Work out what the customer could buy and how much change you will need to give them.

3. Take part in one or more of our creative challenges from earlier blogs, which involve inventing a spider, a 30 day Lego Challenge, shapes, spot the difference and a virtual zoo field trip.

Example of a cafe menu.
Image result for writing activity creating cafe menus

Here is Ella's Lego challenge from yesterday.

Today's Reflection
Here are the key messages from the day.

- You are working really hard at home and we are so pleased with the level of engagement in the daily tasks we have set. Keep this up, because you are making your parents and ourselves feel very proud with how you are continuing to develop your learning.

- Some of the photographs that have come in today show you are supporting your families with preparing and cooking food. This is fantastic and as a result of this we will include this as one of tomorrow's daily tasks.

- We have received some lovely emails and photographs, these are showing some of you are  completing the daily tasks.

Please contact us through either leaving a comment on the blog or email us. We would like you to share your child's learning with us, so that we can maintain contact with the whole class and support children's learning further. Thank you.

Here are photos of what some of you have got up to today.

Logan has been improving her handwriting and creating a recount of her day.

Logan has also baked some delicious looking banana bread.


Reggie has been working hard today he has been working out what his customer could buy, practicing phonics and helping to prepare some vegetables.

Conrad has joined his brother in their reading den and created a fantastic cafe menu with an order ticket.

Joey has taken up our invent a spider challenge and created a delicious looking cafe menu too.

Ella has worked incredibly hard to create a colourful and beautifully presented menu, she has also calculated what her customer could buy.


1 comment:

Mr Condon said...

Well done Year 2 - please keep emailing in any pictures of home learning - Mr Condon

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...