Sunday, April 19, 2020

Monday 20th April - Home Learning

Welcome back! | Muirhouse Primary School
Good morning Year 2,

We hope this finds you and your families safe and well. We are thinking of you at this time and cannot wait to see you all again to carry on learning together at some point in the future. Please find below a list of tasks that reflect some of the learning we would have been covering in class today.

When you have time, please email us or write a comment on the blog as we love to see and hear about all of your wonderful home learning experiences. Our email address is 

    Here are your tasks for today:

1. This term we are learning about Nigeria. Please write down what you know about Nigeria, then write down what you would like to know about Nigeria.

2. Write out the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock and add on some extra verses.

3. Find your clocks from last term to help you solve a couple of o'clock word problems.

    If it is 4 o’clock now, what time was it two hours earlier?

    I left home at 10 o’clock and arrived at the shops at 12 o’clock. How long did it take me to get       there?

4.  Find out:

     How many days are there in a year?
     How many days are there in a leap year?

5. Reading

6. Times Tables Rock Stars

Our Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Macy! Well done Macy, we are so pleased with the determination you have shown to get through today's tasks.

Today's Reflection
We have loved seeing you all do so well with your time work today! Tomorrow we are stepping up to read half past times on our clocks. Your rhymes have been fantastic too, those we have seen we have shared below as they made us chuckle - well done!
Please keep sending in your Nigeria questions, so far some of you have wondered:
Where is it?
Do Nigeria play football?
What do they wear?
What does the country produce?
Which animals can be seen there?
What language do they speak?

Some photos of what you have all got up to today


Some of your Hickory Dickory Dock Rhymes

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...