Monday, April 20, 2020

Tuesday 21st April - Home Learning

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Good morning Year 2, 

Thank you for making the start of this new term so joyful. We have been encouraged by seeing some of your happy faces and fantastic work, whilst looking through the photos we received yesterday.

Here are your tasks for today:

1. Reading

2. Find out where in our world Nigeria is. See if you can point to it on a world map.
    Link to a world map -

3. Design and label your own time machine.

4. Watch ‘BBC Schools: Numbertime: Time-half past’ on YouTube.

5. Use a stop watch to time what you can do in one minute e.g. how many star jumps/bunny hops/times you can write your name.

6. Half past is when the hour hand is half way between two numbers on a clock, and the minute hand is pointing down at the bottom of the clock (pointing to number 6).

On your clock: move the hour hand halfway between two numbers and point the minute hand down at the bottom. What time have you made?
            Half past _____________
Change the hour hand so it is half way between two different numbers. What time have you made now? 

Our Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Grace. We choose Grace as she has been a fantastic independent researcher. Today she has been busy independently researching information about Nigeria. This led to her creating a Nigerian flag and a Nigerian headscarf called a gele.

Today's reflection
We knew you were a creative class and today this shone in all of your work from time machines and 1 minute challenges to items that remind us of Nigeria. Please carry on being creative as our world needs people like you who have inspiring ideas with artistic talents! 

As for our Nigeria topic, you have come up with more fantastic and thought provoking questions. Clearly this is going to be an interesting topic. Today some of you shared these questions:

Is it a happy place?
Does Nigeria have a beach?
Was Nigeria ever in a war?
Are their ways different to ours?
Do they have money in Nigeria?
Is Nigeria a really hot place?
What was Nigeria like 300 years ago?

Some photos of what you have all got up to today

Your time machines


One minute challenges


Finding Nigeria on a map and finding out more about the country.

Couture also created a fun piece of artwork through adding colour to a hand outline.


Anonymous said...

Isobel has done lots of reading of the last two days, I will email you photos of her work.
Hope everyone is ok 😀

Anonymous said...

Well done Isobel, you are such a good reader!

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...