Thursday, May 21, 2020

Friday 22nd May - Home Learning

Shine like a star — Steemit

Good morning Year 2,

We have made it to the last day of term 5, wahoo! 
You have worked so hard this term and we are so
pleased to hear how well you are doing. During this term we have had the privilege of reading messages from some of our class's family members/carers who wanted to share the rewards they have experienced whilst teaching their son/daughter. Thank you for sharing these moments with us.

Year 2, please remember we are all stars and we must continue to show everyone our amazing learning skills no matter where we are learning.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by joining fancy dress PE with Joe Wicks, The Body Coach on YouTube.


Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of the questions below. If you need a new reading book ask a carer to help you access an ebook on the Oxford Owl website.
Fiction: Is this a place you could visit? Why?
Non Fiction: What is the purpose of including pictures in this text?

The Elves and the Shoemaker
Turn to page 11, which require you to design clothes for the elves, they need hats, suits and shoes.
The link for this pack is below.
The Elves and the Shoemaker

Directions: rotation
We are continuing our shape series of lessons using Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose 'Lesson 10: To use the language of rotation'.

Create a bug hotel
This task is to create your very own bug hotel. A few weeks ago Ella created a bug town and so we are going to see how many of you are able to create bug hotels. The instructions are accessed through the link below. For this the suggested equipment list is a flower pot, stones, twigs, small pieces of bark, waterproof marker pen, dried leaves and sugar cubes. However you can adapt this list to other items that are spare and your parents are happy for you to use. Have fun!

Please remember to email us with pictures of your home learning, we are especially looking forward to seeing your elf clothing designs and bug hotels. Our email address is . We hope you have a fantastic week off, as you have all worked so hard this term and definitely need a break, parents included. Take care and we shall look forward to starting our final term with you on Monday 1st June.


Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Star of the Day
                                                       Shooting Stars Clipart Black And White | Clipart Panda - Free ...
Isobel is our Star of the Day. We have selected Isobel today because we like the way she has decorated the outside of her bug hotel in addition to filling it with everything the bugs will enjoy.

Daily Reflection
Well done you have made it through the day and can now enjoy your week off. We have been so thankful to all of your parents and carers who have been supporting home learning this term. Please say a big thank you to them! 

Some photos of your home learning
Couture's Bug Hotel

Conrad's Bug Hotel - to form the sugar cube Conrad mixed sugar and water together, afterwards he shaped the mixture and let it set. This afternoon Conrad managed to photograph ants inside his bug hotel.

Isobel's Bug Hotel

Macy's Bug Hotel design

Conrad has also made a bird house today!

Ella completed her warm up with Joe Wicks in costume

Conrad recreated a scene for The Elves and the Shoemaker

Practicing rotation 

Designing new clothes for the elves


Grace has created a model of a pascal candle

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...