Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday 4th May - Home Learning

Here's how you can mark VE Day 75th anniversary with a stay at ...
Good morning Year 2,

Our class Headteacher Awards for today go to Ella, Logan, Reggie and Tallulah. Well done to the four of you! Please read the newsletter to find out what their awards are for.

This Friday is a special Bank Holiday as many of us will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day. To mark the occasion we will be spending some time throughout the week learning why it is such a significant celebration.

We have really enjoyed keeping in touch with you all over the past few weeks as hearing from you really does brighten our day. Please continue to send us photos of your learning and contact us if you need any help or support through our email address .

Today's learning tasks:

Warm up your body 
Get ready for learning by joining in with Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ on You Tube. Due to Joe's surgery his wife will be demonstrating the various exercises over the next couple of weeks.

To mix things up a bit over the next few days we will be focusing on reading 'Handa's Surprise' using the resource link below. Today we would like you to watch the story and then use the ‘Talk about the story’ activity which states the following:
Talk together about which part of the story children like best and why. What do they know that Handa doesn’t? How would they feel if they discovered all their fruit had gone? Why do they think the book is called ‘Handa’s Surprise’? Is there more than one reason?

The Magical Teaching Box
Today we would like you to focus on page 9, which requires you to write responses
 to questions about Pandora’s Box., remember we respond to questions in full sentences.


Solving Past Time Word Problems (based on an analogue clock)
The dog woke up at 5 minutes past 5. He was awake for fifteen minutes. At what time did the dog fall asleep?

It takes Grandad 15 minutes to cut the grass. If he starts at 1 o'clock, what time will he finish?

Dad puts a pizza in the oven at 20 minutes past 5.It takes 25 minutes to cook. What time did he take it out of the oven.

A baby woke up at 10 minutes past 3 for her milk. 20 minutes later, she had finished drinking her milk. What time did she finish?

Sam went for a 10 minute run around the park. She stopped running at half past 7. What time did she start running?

Please share a picture of something that has made you feel happy this weekend.

VE Day
Find out and record what VE stands for and the date this took place.

Optional Extra: Phonics
If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on ie and today focuses on i-e.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - develop vocabulary through phonics
Maths - part whole relationships and fact families
History - who was Emmeline Pankhurst?

Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Conrad. We are so impressed with the way Conrad fully immersed himself into exploring the text Handa's Surprise. Conrad learnt the story, recreated a scene from it and responded to questions about the text. Fantastic work Conrad!

Daily Reflection
Good evening Year 2 we have really enjoyed looking at the photos and watching the videos you have sent us of your home learning. Finding out about what made you feel happy this weekend was really interesting, as it shows how unique we all are. Below you can see a picture of Abby and I in the woodlands near where I live, this walk was really enjoyable as we searched for mini beasts and were surrounded by beautiful scenery.

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Sharing what makes us feel happy

Learning about VE Day 

Drawing with Rob

Ella and her brother enjoying PE with Joe and Rosie

Exploring Pandora's Box
Learning about gravity

Logan's BBC Bitesize Learning


Mr Condon said...

Have a great day Year 2

Mr Condon said...

and a wonderful week...

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...