Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thursday 7th May - Home Learning

When is VE Day 2020 and is it a Bank holiday? – The Sun

Good morning Year 2,

Today is our last day of home learning for the week, because tomorrow is VE Day. If you are celebrating tomorrow make sure you have fun and continue to keep your distance away from people you do not live with.

Yesterday there were difficulties accessing the PowerPoint about VE Day so here is a direct link to it.
VE Day PowerPoint

Today' learning tasks

Warm up your body

Get ready for learning by joining in with one of Disney's 10 minute Shake Up Games, there are lots of games to choose from and they vary in the number of people rwho are required to play the game.


Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of these questions:
Fiction: What is your favourite part of the story? Why?
Non Fiction: When would you use the contents page in the book?

The Magical Teaching Box
Today we would like you to focus on page 12, which requires you to
 write new sentences using the underlined words.


Drawing times on analogue and digital clocks
Watch the following time video and then draw your own analogue and digital clocks to record the times listed below.
eight o'clock
half past four
quarter past twelve
quarter to two
More challenging times if you feel up to it:
twenty five past nine
ten past seven

VE Day
After viewing yesterday's PowerPoint we would like you to imagine you were at the VE Day celebrations 75 years ago. Please write an interesting paragraph about the event which includes plenty of description. Use the following questions and your responses to these questions to support your writing.                                                    What can you see?
What can you hear?
What can you taste?
What can you touch?
How do you feel?

Optional Extra: Phonics
If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on o-e and today focuses on ue.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - reading lesson
Maths - add and subtract 2 digit and 1 digit numbers
Computing - what is computer code?

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Ella! She has worked so hard everyday during lockdown and today she has completely wowed us with her writing. Whilst imagining she was celebrating VE Day 75 years ago Ella created this piece of writing. She has used all that we have learnt about VE Day to include plenty of description. The writing captures the day in such a way we can picture this wonderful scene. In addition to this Ella has even recreated the scene in her Bug Town. Well done Ella!

Today's Reflection
It looks like you have all been very busy preparing to celebrate VE Day tomorrow. We have enjoyed looking at your bunting creations, baking, VE Day research and writing. Have a fantastic day tomorrow celebrating VE Day, which has resulted in a longer weekend, yahoo!

Here are some of today's home learning photos
Preparing for VE Day

Tallulah has explored the text 'Handa's Surprise'

Ella has responded to the reading question
Tallulah has also been baking
Logan has received a letter, which contained a lovely planting surprise
Conrad has been busy creating massive bubbles!

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...