Sunday, June 21, 2020

Monday 22nd June - Home Learning

15 Best Things to Do in Portishead (Somerset, England) - The Crazy ...
Good morning Year 2,

What a glorious weekend it has been. The sunshine shone and hopefully you all created special memories with your families. I enjoyed a wonderful walk along the Portishead coastline with my family. It was lovely to see so many families out enjoying themselves.

This week brings beautiful weather. If you have a garden, you may wish to complete the home learning tasks outside - remember sun cream.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up for learning
Get ready for learning by completing a Go Noodle dance class online. Why not try out their catchy Trolls: Can't Stop the Feeling dance session.

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words - The Boy With a Wobbly ToothReading
1. Listen to the story 'The Boy with a Wobbly Tooth', which has been written by Oliver H. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.

Fiction text - explain something that happened at a specific point in the story.
Non-fiction text - when would you use the index page in this book?

We have three new class helpers called Jo Awesome, Raja Extraordinary and Sammy Exceptional who are going to help us with our writing over the next couple of weeks. We are going to begin our superhero pack on page 3, which requires you to read a fact file about each of the superheroes. Afterwards we would like you to create a new superhero, make sure you write down the hero's name, powers, how it senses the call and other features. 
The link for this pack: Superheroes

Measures: capacity and volume
ACHIEVE KS1 MATHS :: Measures :: Temperature :: Try this ::This week we are moving onto a fun practical mathematics unit focused on measures. I wonder if any of you have thermometers at home. Have a chat to someone you live with to find out. You may have a thermometer in a first aid kit to check someones temperature when they are unwell, on the heating control, in the kitchen to check the temperature of hot food or even in the car.

Make sure you scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 1, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson. 

Select Lesson 1: to be able to read the temperature on a thermometer.

Francis : Francis' Blindfolded Obstacle CourseCreate a simple obstacle course to complete with someone else you live with. One of you will wear a blindfold and the other helps the blindfolded to navigate the course safely. Afterwards swap over.

Then discuss:
What was supportive?
What helped?
What didn’t help?
How did the blindfolded person feel?
How might you do it differently if you did it again?

We hope you have a fun day learning at home. Please remember to stay in contact with us via our email address Tomorrow is our first class Zoom session at 10 am, please get in contact with us if you are happy to give permission for your son/daughter to participate in the session. Thank you.

Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Star of the Day
We have decided Kaye is our Star of the Day, because she has completed all of last weeks reading tasks and we are pleased to be receiving weekly emails from her.

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2, we are looking forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow on our Zoom call. If we have received permission for you to join us, we will send an email to your parents/carers tomorrow to invite you into the Zoom call. At 10 am tomorrow click on the link in the email, and use the call number and password which I will post on the blog in the morning. The session will begin with show and tell. Please come ready to show something you have made or learnt about during home learning, and be ready to explain what it is and why you chose it. Have a good evening.
From Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Some photos of you home learning
Ella's amazing morning workout

Isobel and Ella created challenges and trusted their siblings to guide them

Ella, Isobel and Josiah created fact files for their own superheroes

Kaye's work from last week

Ella explaining what happened in the text she read

Reading the temperature on thermometers

Lexi has been practicing her recall of times tables and created a home learning book for her teddies

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...