Sunday, June 28, 2020

Monday 29th June - Home Learning

In-principle agreement announced to bring Worcester City Football ...

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you have had fun with your families this weekend despite the rain. It is so encouraging to see some football clubs meeting again to coach children's football skills. Hopefully more clubs and places to go to will start to reopen soon. We must continue to remember to keep our distance and wash our hands. 

We are looking forward to seeing even more of you on Zoom tomorrow at 10 am. Later on today I will send an email out with a link to our class call. For the session you will need to know how to play Beetle Drive and have a pencil, paper and a dice/spinner. 

Please keep in touch with us to share what you enjoyed doing over the weekend and to show us your home learning. Our email address is

FootlooseToday's Learning Tasks:

Warm up for learning
Get ready for learning by completing a Go Noodle dance class online. Why not try out a classic which I expect your parents will enjoy too, Footloose.

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words, The First Ever Chocolate Milk by Zachary SReading
1. Listen to the story 'The First Ever Chocolate Milk', which has been written by Zackary S. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.

Fiction text - who was the storyteller? How do you know this?
Non-fiction text - do you think the author of the book is an expert for the topic covered? Why/who not?

Get PDF Becoming A SuperheroWe are spending another week with our superheroes Jo Awesome, Raja Extraordinary and Sammy Exceptional. Today we are continuing our transformation into becoming superheroes. Turn to pages 12-13, which require you to complete Raja's craft challenge. 
The link for this pack: Superheroes

Capacity explained for primary-school parents | Converting units ...Measures: capacity and volume
Last week you impressed us with your understanding of reading temperatures and converting millilitres and litres. This week we are going to develop our understanding of millilitres further and practice solving word problems related to measures.

Make sure you scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 6, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson. Select Lesson 6: to compare and order millilitres and litres.

Alternative Maths and English tasks
Home | Classroom Secrets KidsThis task is for those of you who have been struggling with our maths and English tasks. The link will take you to a Classroom Secrets Year 2 pack which contains a mixture of maths and English activities that will last the whole of this week. These packs will be posted onto the blog every Monday.
Classroom Secrets learning pack

Work-Out Wednesday – Harold's Daily Diary | Coram Life Education ...PSHE
We would like you to read Harold's daily diary and complete the activity.

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Conrad! He has showed focus and determination whilst completing his home learning, especially during math. We are so proud of you, well done Conrad.

Daily Reflection
What a wonderful first day back we have had. It was lovely to see all of your superhero cuffs and the way you have risen to the challenge of completing the measures task, which was particularly challenging. Have a great evening, we are looking forward to our Zoom time tomorrow.

Some photos of your home learning
Creating cuffs to become superheroes

Applying our understanding of capacity

Practicing calm breathing activities


Lexi has started writing another story as well as completing some learning sheets

Tallulah's photos of her melting ice pop and she has also designed Fantastic Tallulah

 Ella's very busy morning workouts

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...