Sunday, June 7, 2020

Monday 8th June - Home Learning

Schools shine in GCSE results despite exam shake up – The Knowledge

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you have all had a good weekend. It was so lovely seeing some sunshine yesterday. What fun activities did you enjoy? 

School is an interesting place at the moment.  Children from Reception are being welcomed back in this week, whilst children in Year 6 and Year 1 returned last week. At the moment we do not know when other year groups will be welcomed back, so for now we need to keep going with our home learning. Mrs Triggs and I are so proud of you all being the best you can be. Lets keep showing everyone how amazing you are.

Each morning this week I am going to display one of your animal riddles for the class to solve. I wonder how many of you can work out this animal riddle created by Conrad.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by either creating your own warm up or completing a warm up exercise of your choice (Go Noodle, Cosmic Kids, Disney Shake Up or Joe Wicks). 

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - who are the main characters in this book?
Non-fiction text - find something that interests you from the text. Explain why you chose that particular part.
As we are into a new term you may appreciate a new site for accessing different ebooks. As a school we have recently discovered Love Reading, which shares free children's ebooks and book related activities. Just like Oxford Owl, there is a requirement to create a free account. Some of the books are only recommendations for purchasing.

Rainbows, rainbows everywhere!
Today is the start of a new Talk for Writing Home-school booklet and the theme of the booklet is rainbows. Turn to page 4, which requires you to talk to someone at home about rainbows and then complete the idea boxes. The link for this pack is below.

This week we are starting a new unit on fractions using the series of lessons created by Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose 'L
esson 1: To relate halves and quarters to division'.


This term our PSHE is focusing on how much we have changed over time. To start this unit we would like you to make a list of things you can do now that you couldn’t when you were a baby. Which of these things was the hardest to learn? What did you do to help you learn how to do these things? What encouraging phrases can you think of to help someone who is learning how to do something new?

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Antony, Well done Antony, you have impressed us with the vocabulary in your animal riddle. We shall reveal his riddle tomorrow for you all to solve.

Daily Reflection
What a beautiful sunny day it has been. Today we have learnt you all know so much about rainbows and it has been interesting to see each of you describe the shape of the rainbow in a such different ways, no one used the same descriptive words - impressive! Out highlight of the day has been looking at videos and pictures from when Ella was a baby and toddler. If you would like to share photos with the class from when you were little, please do email them to us.

Photos and videos of Ella 

Photo of a younger Logan looking at a rainbow with her cousin

Some photos of your home learning
Reflecting on skills you have achieved


Logan created a rainbow
Isobel visited her Great Nan's garden
Ella created an umbrella for Storm


Anonymous said...

Reggie thinks the answer to Conrads riddle is a Lion.

Anonymous said...

The answer to Conrad's riddle is a lion. Well done to everyone who worked out the answer. Tomorrow we will be solving Antony's riddle. Have a good evening. From Mrs Leaker

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...