Monday, June 8, 2020

Tuesday 9th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

Yesterday we were so grateful for those of you who initiated sharing photographs of rainbows and themselves as a baby, which links to our English and PSHE topics. If you have not had the opportunity to view Logan's rainbow and a few of Ella's baby photographs and videos, please take time to look at yesterday's blog by scrolling down. 

We love looking at photos. To share a rainbow or baby photograph of yourself, you must seek permission from your family first and then email the photo to us at

Today's riddle has been created by Antony. Have a try at working out what animal is being described.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body

Get ready for learning by warming up to a dance sequence using Go Noodle.


The Summer Reading Challenge 2020 was launched last week. It will run online from June to September. To learn more about this year's challenge click on the link below.

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - how is the main character feeling at the start, beginning or end of the story? Why do they feel that way? Does this surprise you?
Non-fiction text - what sort of person do you think would use this book?

Rainbows, rainbows everywhere!

Start today's task by watching the short YouTube clip which shows how rainbows are formed.
Turn to pages 5-7, which require you to read a non-fiction text about rainbows and then write down some of the information you have learnt.
Rainbows, rainbows everywhere

Today's Oak National Academy lesson is focusing on parts of a fraction. Use the website link below to access 'lesson 2: to identify the parts of a fraction'.

Design and Technology
Let's have fun designing animal finger puppets. The design you create will be used to make a puppet next week. To do this you need to create a plan. Your plan needs to include the criteria that has been listed below:
* the name of your chosen animal
*  what you will use to create it (talk to your family to find out what materials you will be able to use next week)
* a drawing of the front of your puppet
* a  drawing of the back of your puppet

Below are some examples to help you create your design.
Noah's Friends Play Pad & Finger Puppets - Sewing | Free Patterns    Finger Puppets: Farm Animal | Plushie Patterns

Star of the Day
We have chosen two Stars of the Day. Our first Star of the Day is Ella, after learning more about rainbows Ella created a rainbow in her garden using a hose! Our second Star of the Day is Grace, who showed perseverance whilst creating her tiger puppet today. Well done girls.

Daily Reflection
So has anyone worked out which animal Antony is describing? If you think you know please tell us in the comment blog box. We have loved seeing your work today and are pleased to hear some of you have had fun whilst completing tasks. As we are learning about changes and rainbows Grace has shared her baby photos and a photo of her rainbow drawing too with us. Have a good evening with your families.
From Mrs Leaker

Grace aged 0 -3 (she is still smiley)

Some photos of your home learning
Ella created rainbows

Designing and creating puppets

Ella had lots of fun warming up for learning with her brother

Kaye has shared her elf story with us

Identifying parts of a fraction

Learning more about rainbows from a non-fiction text


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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...