Monday, June 1, 2020

Tuesday 2nd June - Home Learning

These finger puppets are made with a felt. Great for entertaining ...
Good morning Year 2,

Today we launch our puppet design and technology project. As our science for this term focuses on animals, our puppets will all be animal themed. Over the next few days please spend some time thinking about which type of animal you would like to create. 

Please remember to share your home learning with us each day, so that we can be a part of your home learning experiences. Our email address is Thank you.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body

Get ready for learning by selecting a dance class on the Go Noodle website.

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - where does the main character live?
Non-fiction text - what is on the cover of the book? What does this tell you about the content inside?

As we are into a new term you may appreciate a new site for accessing different ebooks. As a school we have recently discovered Love Reading, which shares free children's ebooks and book related activities. Just like Oxford Owl, there is a requirement to create a free account. Some of the books are only recommendations for purchasing.

The Elves and the Shoemaker
Please turn to page 14, which requires you to plan a story about some elves that help people. Use the questions and story mountain to help you plan your ideas. The link for this pack is below.
The Elves and the Shoemaker

This week is our final week learning about shapes using the series of lessons created by Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose 'Lesson 12: To be able to rotate shapes'

Design and technology
What is a puppet?
A puppet is a character that has been created using materials such as felt or card.

What are puppets used for?
Puppets are used to entertain people, to provide an enjoyable show for people to watch. Some of you may have watched a  Punch and Judy puppet show, Button Moon, Rosie and Jim or The Muppets. There are lots of different types of puppets such as finger puppets, hand puppets, rod puppets, shadow puppets and human body puppets..

Watch puppets in action
The Ant and the Grasshopper using stick puppets
Decisions Show using hand puppets
Show using finger puppets

Next week you will be designing your own animal finger puppet.

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Freya. We have chosen Freya because she is regularly sending us photos of her home learning. The learning clearly shows Freya is trying her very best.

Daily Reflection
It has been such a delight reading all of your elf story plans today, and some of you even moved onto writing the whole story! The stories we have seen so far show you are remembering to include interesting details and proof read what you have wrote too - well done!

Some photos of your home learning
Planning elf stories

Writing elf stories

Using Go Noodle as a learning break

Rotating shapes

Learning about puppets

Tie dying t-shirts


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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...