Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Wednesday 24th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,
Influent UK Keep distance - Social distancing 1 m 2 m 1.5 m ...

It was so lovely seeing most of you in our Zoom call yesterday. This has created within us a super excited feeling, as we know we will be able to welcome back many of you for the last week of term. 

Yesterday the government shared some exciting news to take another step towards ending lockdown. If you would like to read about these changes there are a couple of good CBBC Newsround articles, which explain the changes to social distancing, playgrounds and cinemas. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

How to watch Joe Wicks PE classes at 9am online - Radio TimesToday's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body

The Tap Up challenge (see yesterday's blog) 
Joe Wicks ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube.

What is Self-Worth and How Do We Increase it? (Incl. 4 Worksheets)Be proud of who you are
To help us reflect on what makes us special and unique discuss these questions with someone you live with. 
1.Name something you have done (a piece of work, artwork, a special skill) that you are proud of. Why were you proud of it?
2. What do you think it would be like if we were all exactly the same?

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words, The Chosen One by Maya A
1. Listen to the story 'The Chosen One', which has been written by Maya A. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.

Fiction text - has the author used an unusual layout in the text? If so, describe it and say why you think they did this.
Non-fiction text - why have some of the words been written in bold?

Superheroes | Smithsonian InstitutionSuperheroes
Please turn to pages 4 - 5 to reread the text Playground Rescue, then turn to page 7 to write written responses to the given questions.
The link for this pack: Superheroes

How to distribute water from two 10 Litre bottles to a five and ...
Measures: capacity and volume
This week we are moving onto a fun practical mathematics unit focused on measures. Make sure you scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 3, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson. 

Select Lesson 3: to solve word problems that involve litres.

Image result for the eucharistThe Eucharist
We would like you to learn about one of the Sacraments today, The Eucharist. To do this please click on the PowerPoint document below and work through each slide. Afterwards write down 2 to 3 questions you would like to ask us about The Eucharist.
click here

Star of the Day
We have decided to nominate Star of the Day to a few people today, as it was too hard to only choose one child. Our first Star of the Day is Tallulah who put a lot of thought into her puppet reflection, which is included below. Our second and third Stars of the Day are Ella and Grace for having a go at the Tap Up challenge. Well done girls!

Daily Reflection
We have loved hearing from so many of you! The work you are completing is so impressive, you have really stepped up and are trying your best. It looks like you will all be more than ready to become Year Threes in September. Well done!

Some photos of your home learning
Keeping cool

Our author Lexi wrote another story

Asking questions about the Eucharist

Estimating litres and responding to litre word problems

Reflecting on a text


Ella reflected on her achievements and what life would be like if we were all the same

Tallulah created her superhero fact file

Working out during learning breaks

Completing the vocabulary challenge

Lexi practiced column addition

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...