Good morning Year 2,
We hope you had a good weekend. Did any of you go anywhere where you have not been for a long time? My family and I had a wonderful time, we watched my daughter take part in a football game and enjoyed a delicious BBQ at my mum and dad's house.
Many of us will be back to school next week, but do not worry if you are not. Our daily home learning blog will continue and emails will be responded to in the evenings. At the end of today's blog I have included some preparation guidance for those of you who are returning to school next week.
Please keep in touch with us to share what you enjoyed doing over the weekend and to show us your marvelous home learning. Our email address is
Today's Learning Tasks:
Warm up for learning
1. Listen to the story 'Night Knight', which has been written by Lila Z. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link
2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
The Quangle Wangle's Hat
To start our new writing pack we would like you to turn to pages 2-3, which guide you through a talk challenge to find out your thoughts about what a Quangle Wangle could be.
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet
Multiplication and Division
We should all by now know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In preparation for next year OAK is moving us onto the 3 and 4 times tables. Make sure you scroll down to the Multiplication and Division subheading before selecting lesson 1, as otherwise you will repeating an old lesson.
Select Lesson 1: To recall the 3x tables using skip counting.
Alternative Maths and English tasks
This task is for those of you who have been struggling with our maths and English tasks. The link will take you to a Classroom Secrets Year 2 pack which contains a mixture of maths and English activities that will last the whole of this week. These packs will be posted onto the blog every Monday.
Classroom Secrets Learning Pack
Reflect on what you think school is going to be like next week or in September. Then spend time sharing both your thoughts and the questions you have with someone you live with.
Get ready for learning by going outside for a 20 minute walk.
Go Noodle
dance class online
1. Listen to the story 'Night Knight', which has been written by Lila Z. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link
2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - has the author used a variety of sentence structures?
A sentence structure refers to using short sentences and long sentences known as 'complex'. Complex sentences are lengthened through words such as and, or, but, for, nor, yet, so.
Non-fiction text - what
is on the cover of the book? What does this tell you about the content inside?
To start our new writing pack we would like you to turn to pages 2-3, which guide you through a talk challenge to find out your thoughts about what a Quangle Wangle could be.
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet
Multiplication and Division
Select Lesson 1: To recall the 3x tables using skip counting.
This task is for those of you who have been struggling with our maths and English tasks. The link will take you to a Classroom Secrets Year 2 pack which contains a mixture of maths and English activities that will last the whole of this week. These packs will be posted onto the blog every Monday.
Classroom Secrets Learning Pack
Reflect on what you think school is going to be like next week or in September. Then spend time sharing both your thoughts and the questions you have with someone you live with.
Returning to School
If you are going back to school next week, it is time to start
preparing for this. School is a very different place right now. Hand hygiene and
cleaning has increased, ‘bubbles’ have been created so you only mix with
children in your group, the playground is organised into zoned play areas and a
one way system around the school has been introduced to help minimise contact.
Please find time during the week to prepare in the following
- Practice standing 2 meters apart from someone else, as this is how far apart we will need to be away from each other where possible. When your parents/carers collect you they will also need to stand this far apart.
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds because once we return we will need to wash our hands hourly. Here is a guide on how to wash your hands properly
- Things to know:
- You will be put in a bubble with up to 15 other
Year 2 children.
- There will be two Year 2 bubbles one led by Mrs Triggs and the other led by myself (Mrs Leaker).
- Your bubble will spend play time and lunchtimes
in a zoned area of the playground, you will be unable to play with children who
are in other bubbles. As the playground is split into zones there is no longer access
to climbing apparatus, running track and the football pitch.
- The equipment you use in class should be used by
other children in your bubble.
Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Josiah, because we are so impressed with his superhero story. He is taking time to write neatly and carefully think about what he is writing with the correct punctuation. Well done!
Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2. We hope you have enjoyed trying to figure out what a Quangle Wangle is, it sounds like quite an unusual poem. If you are finding it harder to feel motivated enough to get through our daily tasks, please focus on the reading as a priority and have fun exploring our creative tasks when they feature.
Some photos of your home learning
Kaye shared her superhero work with us
Lexi has been practicing column addition with her mum
Ella has completed all of the learning tasks
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