Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Thursday 2nd July - Home Learning

Every Business Needs a Rainy Day Fund. Here's How to Calculate ...

Good morning Year 2,

All of you should be able to solve today's outdoor themed What Am I riddle.

We need sunshine and rain,
We like the warmth and the showers.
We make the place look pretty,
We are beautiful ____________________ .

If we have not heard from you yet this week, please get in contact with us to let us know you are well. Our email address is .
Minnie getting her aerobics exercise in for the day. She's doing ...

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by selecting a team game from Disney Shake Ups.

The Five (and More) Senses | Live Science
Outdoor Learning Task
It is time to go on a scavenger hunt with a difference today, below we have a link for a sensory scavenger hunt. Have a go and have fun!
Lets get hunting.

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words - The Grocery Shop BreakoutReading
1. Listen to the story 'The Grocery Shop Breakout', which has been written by Henry C. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.

Fiction text - can you find examples of effective description? What makes them effective?
Effective description is description that moves the story forward along the exciting story line.
Non-fiction text - what is the text about? What is the title of the text? Who is the author of the text?

Top 5 Superhero Pets from the Comic Book UniverseToday you need to get back to your tables to have fun designing a superhero pet. I wonder what type of pet you will choose and what power it will have that can help others? Is it going to help other pets or people? Time to have fun being imaginativeTurn to pages 16 - 18 to design your own superhero pet and then reflect on the super hero learning pack.
The link for this pack: Superheroes

Phil's Maths Page - National Curriculum Key Stage 2 and 3 Maths ...Measures: capacity and volume
To continue to practice solving word problems related to measures. Scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 9, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson
Select Lesson 9: to solve word problems about capacity and volume – part 2
African Kente Cloth Weaving • TeachKidsArtWeaving patterns
To begin with we would like you to spend some time learning about African patterns by following the link below.

Next create your own woven pattern using the instructions to guide you. Try to include something you have learnt about the African patterns. You will need: scissors, glue stick, a pencil, coloured                                                                paper and sticky tape.
                                                      Paper Weaving Instructions

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Wilfred, because he woke up early to complete the home learning tasks. I love your enthusiasm Wilfred!

Daily Reflection 
Today really has been a great day, lots of you have been in contact and have shared your learning with us - thank you. I have so many photos of your incredible home learning that I am going to upload in a moment. It has also been great receiving emails asking for answers to questions and advice. We are here for all of you.

The answer to our riddle is a rainbow, although flowers has also been suggested which would fit in with this too. Well done all of you who emailed in your answers and to Conrad for using the blog comment box.

Lots of photos of your home learning
Lexi learning about coastlines in sunny Clevedon

Weaving African patterns

Ella completed the Sensory Scavenger Hunt


Solving capacity word problems

Designing superhero pets and reflecting on our superhero learning pack

Logan has been working through capacity word problems

Lexi has been completing work in her English workbook
Ella has read

Josiah drew a human timeline and has written about the exercise he chose to do for Jo's get active challenge

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Conrad said flowers for today’s riddle and a rock for yesterday’s riddle.

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...