Monday, July 13, 2020

Tuesday 14th July - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

It will be so lovely being back at school today with most of you.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up for learning

Get ready for learning by dancing with Go Noodle online
Those of us who are in school will be going on a guided tour around the school.

Read a text of your choice for 10 minutes. 

Our phonics this week is split into three sections.
1. Write out the alphabet both lowercase and in capitals.
2. Sound out the sounds shown on the flashcards using Phonics Play Tricky Word Trucks Phase 5.
3. Play phonic words bingo using words that end in 'ed' or 'ing'.    username: march20                                                                                                                                     password:home

The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Today we would like you to turn to page 10, which guide you through a Creative Challenge to make Mr Quangle Wangle's Hat.
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet

Spend 10-20 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Mental Maths Recall

1. Count up to 40 and then back down to 0.
2. Practice counting in 2s. For example 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4 . . . 
3. Answer addition number sentences from either challenge 1 or challenge 2.

Challenge 1

10 + 7 =                     19 + 3 =
15 + 5 =                     9 + 10 =

Challenge 2 

67 + 22 =                      62 + 54 =
94 + 20 =                      26 + 74 =

Hand washing

1. Watch NHS handwashing video found on

2. Create a poster to remind you of each stage of hand washing. Make sure you include
a title, colour, a picture and information.

Story Time
Today's story has a powerful message, it is called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

Daily Reflection
It has been such a wonderful day seeing those who are back in school today. We would love
to hear from those of you who are learning at home, our email address is In
school we have been busily learning about a story called Hodgeheg, as well as phonics, sharing news,
spending time playing outside, counting and creating butterflies.

Photos of Macy's home learning

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...