Thursday, March 26, 2020

Friday 27th March - Home learning

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It is Friday!

Well done, we have all nearly made it through a whole week of learning at home. If you need to burn off some energy please join Joe Wicks at 9 am for his kids workout session, this can be found on You Tube, search for 'The Body Coach'.

I have also added some new challenges onto our blog.

Your tasks for today:
1. It is time to turn your board game plan into an actual game you can play. Please make sure you write down the rules so that everyone knows how to play your game. Well done, those of you who have already done this.

2. You have all worked really hard at adding coin values and working out how much change there will be. We would like you to use this learning to help you solve the following SATS maths booklet questions:
2005 paper page 5 question 4 - How much do you have if you have 250 pence pieces and 120 pence pieces? (oral question).
2005 paper page 15 question 18.

2009 paper question 5 - Use three coins to make 20p.
2009 paper page 22 question 26
Some of these questions are tricky so please do ask your parents/carers to support you. If you would like a further challenge see if you can use three coins to make 15p, 30p, 35p, 40, 50p.

3. Type a comment in today's blog comment box.

4. Watch today's news on .

Today's Reflection
Well done you have all made it through our first week of home schooling. All of you need to give yourselves a pat on the back and thank those who have helped you.

I hope you all have a good weekend, despite being stuck indoors. Here are some ideas of what you could do to stop boredom striking: bake something, play in the garden, create an obstacle course, try out one of our fun blog challenges, complete a puzzle, play your board game with the whole family, make a video phonecall to a friend or family member, draw a picture, improve your level on Times Tables Rockstars and most importantly make sure you have fun!

Remember to check out our Year 2 blog on Monday ready for week 2 of home schooling.

Star of the Week

Our star of the week is Conrad!

Well done Conrad you have worked so hard on all of the daily tasks we have set. We are so impressed with the quality of your work.

We shall choose a 'star of the day' on Monday, I wonder who it will be?

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Reggie created his own giant board game.

Created models of Isambard Kingdom Brunel's railway line, the SS Great Britain and even the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Frankie's Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Grace's recreation of Brunel's railway line and tunnel.

Conrad's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.


Ella's model of the Clifton Suspension Bridge and writing about why we remember Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Reading in unusual places.

Showing appreciation to the NHS workers.

Lexi has worked as a scientist to create an egg and a carrot garden.

Logan planted tomato seeds.



Ella took part in our spider invention challenge.

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