Sunday, April 26, 2020

Monday 27th April - Home Learning

trampoline balloons | Kids trampoline, Boy birthday, Love balloon   Mary Berry's Victoria sponge cake recipe - BBC Food   Build a Bug Hotel - Garden Therapy

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you have had a wonderful weekend making the most of the glorious sunshine. Please let us know about what you enjoyed doing, as we would love to know if your plans worked out for trampoline fun, baking, bug house making etc. I spent most of the weekend in a paddling pool with Abby, we had fun splashing around and rescuing all of the little insects that decided to join us.

It seemed like a good idea to begin the day with a random fact, unfortunately there were no interesting facts about today's date. In case you are interested, today is the 118th day of this year and there are 248 days left of 2020.

Your tasks for today

Reading Task
Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of these questions:
Fiction: Where did the story take place?
Non Fiction: What is the text about?

English Task
Over the next two weeks we are focusing on The Magical Teaching Box. This text is accessible as a pdf document, which can be printed out or you can record the text activities in your home learning books. As well as reading the story, there are activities to complete involving drawing, creating, playing with words, as well as reading and writing poetry. 
Today you will read Pandora’s Box and draw a picture of what the box looked like pages 4-5.

Maths Task
This week we are focusing on past times.  Have a look at an analogue clock and look carefully at each tiny line/dot between the numbers. Each line represents a minute that the minute hand will tick past every minute. It moves forward one clock number every five minutes. In Year 2 we need to learn to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Telling time review (article) | Time | Khan Academy
Therefore today we are going to practice counting around the clock in 5s. Watch the video using the link, then repeat counting around in fives on your own clocks.
If you would like a challenge, draw a clock and next to each number write how many minutes it represents, for example next to 1 write '5 minutes past' and next to 2 write '10 minutes past'.

PE Task
Choose a Go Noodle dance video to practice some new dance move - enjoy!

Fantastic start to the day, as we have heard:
1. Reggie has moved up a level on Times Table Rock Stars
2. Tallulah has sent us photos of her own time machine and Hickory Dickory Dock rhyme, she is very creative.

Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Reggie. We have decided to chose Reggie because he has worked so hard to move up through the levels in Times Tables Rock Stars, well done!

Daily Reflection
You have all done so well with taking time to learn about the minute hand and counting in fives, well done! There is a lot to learn about time and it is so worth it, because it is such an important life skill.
We have enjoyed looking at all of your Pandora box designs, they are all beautiful which matches what the text said about the box.

Some photos of the activities you have been working through today

Tallulah's amazing Hickory Dickory Dock rhyme!

Designing the box


Counting around the clock in fives

Conrad designing and created exciting games with his family

Tallulah's Time Machine

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...