Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Thursday 2nd April - Home Learning

Happy birthday card template Royalty Free Vector Image

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you are all well and still trying your very best with our home learning tasks. There are only 2 days of home school left to get through, before we rest for the Easter break. At the moment we are busily planning a fun Easter homework project so you can continue some home learning over the holiday.

Today is Lexi's birthday, please make it extra special by writing her a birthday message in our blog comment area.

Here are your tasks for today:
1. Write about your favourite month of the year. Which month is it and why is this one your favourite?

2.  On your clock point your hour hand at a number.  Write down what time your clock is showing. Now read the next part carefully. What time was it 1 hour earlier? 2 hours earlier? 3 hours earlier?

3. Can you solve these challenge time word problems?
Mr Condon went shopping. He travelled on a bus which took 1 hour. If he arrived at the shop at  11 o'clock, what time did he leave his house to go shopping?
The carnival sets off from the school at 1pm and it's expected to last one hour. What time will it finish?
School starts at 8 o'clock. The lunch break starts 4 hours later. What time does lunch time begin?

4. Find out: 
How many months are in a year?
 Which month is your birthday in? 
 Which month are we in at the moment? 

Our Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Logan. Well done Logan, you have been working incredibly hard all week and we are so proud of you!

Today's Reflection
You are all doing so well with reading the time and everyone seems to be successfully managing the time word problem challenges. Well done, please give yourselves a pat on the back. We have enjoyed seeing all of the other creative activities you have been up to today, from drawing and dancing to designing Brunel's hat and recreating his transport structures. Birthday girl Lexi has even been on ITV news today! If you would like to see Lexi on the news, click on the link below. 

Here are photos of some of the things you have got up to today

Solving clock challenges

Grace designed a hat for Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Enjoying puzzles

Having a fantastic birthday

Creating the Clifton Suspension Bridge


Being creative


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday for tomorrow lexi have a good day. From conrad

Anonymous said...

Thank you conrad

Mrs.Gray said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Brithday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Lexi,
Happy Birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday lexi! From joey x

logan said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you all from Lexi

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lexi, from Reggie 😃

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lexi from Mrs Selway

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lexi I hope you are having a delicious cake. I know your family makes lovely crispy cakes love from Mrs Triggs

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lexi hope you have a fun day, Isobel

Anonymous said...

I have done all my work, mum will email you a photo. Thanks from Isobel.

Ella said...

Happy birthday Lexi, hope you have a good time, love fromElla

Anonymous said...

Thank you all I ha e had a great day so far and even had a visit from a dancing heart.
Look after yourself
Lexi x

Anonymous said...

Logan says thank you for choosing her for star of the day

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...