Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wednesday 13th May - Home Learning

Why Do Babies Barely Blink? | Live Science

Good morning Year 2,

An amazing fact for you to think about at the start of today.
Women blink twice as much as men, but babies don't blink as much as adults
I wonder if you know why people blink?

Please take time to look as yesterday's blog to look at our Stars of the Day, as well as the lovely photos your friends have sent in.

Tasks for today:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by joining Cosmic Kids on YouTube.


Please watch Michael Rosen perform the Chocolate Cake poem. Then have fun with the ‘play a game’ activity which is explained below.
Can you creep past someone without making a sound like Michael does in the night?

The Magical Teaching Box

Today you are going to be taken through a couple of stages to build up to writing your own magic box poem. Turn to page 17 and work through two tasks that require you to list your favourite things and organise the three ideas for your magic box poem.
Resource: https://www.talk4writing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Y2-Unit.pdf


We are following a sequence of  mathematics learning, which has been created by Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose: Lesson 3: To recognise lines of symmetry within 2D shapes.
Resource: https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/maths#subjects

Topic and Art

We would like you to research African repeating patterns and then have a go at creating your own African themed repeating pattern. Below are a couple of website links you may wish to use.

Image search on Google 'African repeating patterns' 

Twinkl 'Examples of Traditional African Colouring Pages '

Optional Extra: Phonics
If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on u-e and today focuses on aw.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - forming zig zag letters correctly when writing sentences
Maths - subtracting two-digit numbers
Science - animal groups

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Antony. We have selected Antony because he has worked incredibly hard to complete all of his home learning tasks. He even spent time writing an email to Mrs Triggs and I. Well done Antony, you have really impressed us!

Daily Reflection
Another great day, thank you for keeping in touch and sharing your work with us. It seems you all really enjoyed making symmetrical shapes and creating African patterns. Well done!

In case you were wondering - we need to blink to keep our eyes moist (wet) and wash away any dust particles that may be in the eye.

Some photos of your day
Learning about symmetry

Creating Nigerian patterns

Chocolate Cake Creeping

Writing poems

Enjoying the great outdoors

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...