Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Thursday 14th May - Home Learning

Bug Clipart Firefly - Cute Fly Clipart , Free Transparent Clipart ...
Good morning Year 2,

We hope you are all feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

Today I have another interesting fact to start your day with - recent research claims that there are 200 million insects for every human on Earth. I wonder how many insects are estimated to be on Earth.

Today's Learning Tasks:
Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by enjoying one of the 
Disney Shake Up activities, which is accessible by clicking on the link below.


Read one of your school reading books for 10 minutes and ask someone to listen to your response to one of the questions below. If you need a new reading book ask a carer to help you access an ebook on the Oxford Owl website.
Fiction: Who would you most like to meet most in the story? Why?
Non Fiction: When might someone use this book? Why?

The Magical Teaching Box
First turn to page 18, which requires you to think about your box and write the final verse of your magic box poem. Afterwards write a final draft of your whole poem. If you want to, you could additionally create a decorative border around the poem by drawing pictures of the things that are inside your box. 

3D Shapes

We are continuing our shape series of lessons using Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose 'Lesson 4: To name and describe 3D shapes'

Play an online game on the Tynker site, which is offering free access to 20 of their coding games during lockdown.

Optional Extra: Phonics
If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on aw and today focuses on ir.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - using explanation marks
Maths - number bonds to 100
Design and Technology - simple designs

Star of the Day

Our Star of the Day is Macy. We have chosen Macy because her poem finishes with a wonderful description of her box and her handwriting is incredibly neat. Well done Macy!

Daily Reflection
Today has been one of those days when I have felt so proud of you all! The highlight has been reading your thoughtful poems, some of which even brought a tear to my eye. Remember you are all special and are being the best you can be during this lock down. Please be proud of all you have achieved during this unusual time.
                                     6 Rules to Build Happy Habits : The Happyologist

Some photos of your awesome home learning
Writing magic box poems


Chocolate Cake poetry work

Shape work including symmetry and angles

Ella enjoyed exercising with her brother

Creating African patterns

Grace conducted a dissolving investigation

Logan's tomato plants are still growing healthily 

Practicing spellings

Last weekend Logan baked and organised her garden ready for VE Day


Anonymous said...

Hi I can't seem to get onto tinker without creating an account.
Thanks Becky (LEXI MUM)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know Becky, they seem to have lifted their free access without creating an account. Sorry about that.

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...