Monday, May 11, 2020

Tuesday 12th May - Home Learning

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Good morning Year 2,

We hope you are all well. Please get in contact through blogger comment or email to let us know how you are doing as we would love to know.

Tasks for today:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by joining a dance class using GoNoodle online.


We are going to continue reading the Chocolate Cake poem today. Please watch Michael Rosen perform the Chocolate Cake poem. Afterwards talk about your favourite parts of the poem with someone you live with.

The Magical Teaching Box
Turn to page 16 and have fun embracing the creative challenge of making your own 
magic box.



We are following a sequence of  mathematics learning, which has been created by Oak National Academy. Each lesson contains quizzes and an online teaching lesson.
Choose: lesson 2 - To identify right angles in shapes.

Time Tables Rock Stars or Numbots
Spend 10 minutes on either of these online math gaming sites.

Optional Extra: Phonics
If you would like some phonic practice there are now daily online lessons you can watch that are aimed at Year 1 but are good for Year 2 too. Yesterday focused on u-e and today focuses on e.

Optional Extra: BBC Bitesize Home Learning
Watch and join in with BBC Bitesize by clicking on the link below and selecting Year 2
English - using conjunctions to join sentences
Maths - adding two digit numbers
Geography - introduction to Asia

Stars of the Day
Crystal Star Brooch

Our Stars of the Day are . . . everyone in Year 2 who has worked on their home learning tasks today. We are so pleased with how hard you are working!

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2, we hope you have been able to enjoy some of the glorious sunshine we have had again today. We are so fortunate to be able to go out and enjoy the good weather. Mrs Triggs and I are so pleased to hear from so many of you today. It is so encouraging to hear you are all feeling well and are enjoying the home learning activities. Keep up the fantastic home learning you are all doing.

Here are some photos of your wonderful home learning
Warming up ready for learning

Listening to the Chocolate Cake Poem


Lesson about right angles

Creating Pandora's Box 

Times Table Rock Stars

VE Day celebrations
BBC Bitesize Home Learning

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Friday 17th July

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