Thursday, June 11, 2020

Friday 12th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

It is such a good feeling to know we have nearly completed another week. There is only another five weeks to go in Year 2 until the summer holidays.

Our final riddle to solve has been created by Ella. Please have a guess at what the animal could be and let us know.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by joining a dressed up Joe Wicks, ‘The Body Coach’, on YouTube.

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - why do you think authors use short sentences?
Non-fiction text - can you find examples of words which tell you the order of something? What are they?

Rainbows, rainbows everywhere!
Today we are going to focus on non-fiction writing. Turn to pages 11-13, which requires you to complete a writing challenge. For the challenge you will need to focus on writing something you know a lot about and are interested in. The booklet will guide you through creating a plan and then using it to produce a piece of non-fiction writing.

Today's Oak National Academy lesson is focusing on fractions of shapes. Use the website link below to access 
lesson 5: to identify fractions of shapes with different numerators. 
Extra challenge:
1. If it took Beth 15 minutes to walk three quarters of the way to school, how long would the whole journey take?
Numerical fraction 3/4 | ClipArt ETC
2. A hotel has 40 rooms. There are 10 rooms on each floor. What fraction of the hotel's rooms are on each floor?

We would like you to draw an animal (not human) as a baby and as an adult. If your baby animal has a special name please add this name next to the picture, for example a baby sheep is called a Ewe. Then write a couple of sentences to describe how this animal changes as it grows. 
Elephant Nursery, Safari Art Print, Mother and Baby, Jungle Animal ...

Stars of the Day
We have two Stars of the Day. Our first Star of the Day is Tallulah. We have been so impressed with her non-fiction writing about dolls. The writing includes a title, opening sentence and lots of information about different types of dolls. Afterwards Tallulah went on to create her own paper dolls. Well done Tallulah!

Our second Star of the Day is Ella. She has worked incredibly hard and has produced some non-fiction writing focused on cats. The text includes lots of the non-fiction text features we have been learning about this week.

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon Year 2. We are proud of the way you have all worked so hard this week and the presentation of your work keeps on improving. It has been such a fun week. The highlights have to be the drawings of yourselves and today's non-fiction writing. The answer to Ella's riddle is a turtle. Well done to all of you who guessed it correctly. Have an amazing weekend, we look forward to hearing from you all on Monday.

Some photos of your home learning

Drawing a baby animal with their adult

Identifying fractions

Non-fiction writing focused on an interest

Warming up for learning

Freya has been catching up with the rainbow booklet activities

Tallulah's drawing of herself now and what she looked like when she was a baby

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...