Thursday, June 25, 2020

Friday 26th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

Town-by-town weather forecast as Somerset set for a sunny weekend ...Today brings sunshine with a cooler breeze, which will make it much easier to focus on home learning.

There is a task today that is specific to preparing for our Tuesday Zoom lesson. Please make time to complete this so that you are prepared for the game we will play.

 Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by choosing a Cosmic Kids workout on YouTube. Did you know Jaime has
 created a session based on the book The Twits. This is the funny book we have been listening to at the library. A link to The Twit session is below.

Why Your Kids Need Boy-Girl Relationships - Detroit and Ann Arbor ...Be proud of who you are
To help us reflect on what makes us special and unique discuss these questions with someone you live with.

1. Name something you have done (an action) that you are really proud about.
2.Some people believe our gender means we should only do certain activities or dress a certain way. Is this fair? Explain your answer.

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words - The Crab and the Lantern FishReading
1. Listen to the story 'The Crab and the Lantern Fish', which has been written by Eleanor W. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2.Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - what did the story make you think of?
Non-fiction text - how does the layout help the reader?

Playing Superhero: to What Extent Is it Worth the Idea?Superheroes
Please turn to pages 9 - 11. Today you are going to get creative by becoming superheros. The pack will guide you through creating your superhero name, powers and symbol.
The link for this pack: Superheroes

KitchenCraft 50 ml Glass Mini Measures (1-Pack): ...

Measures: capacity and volume
Make sure you scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 5, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson. Select Lesson 5: to use millilitres.

Color the Life Cycle: Fly | Worksheet |                                            Science
We want you to understand what an animal life cycle is. To achieve this please watch the BBC Learning video below and then complete the following activity.,This%20is%20called%20metamorphosis.

Now spend some time drawing the life cycle of a frog and an ant. To help you with this there are a couple of PowerPoints you can use.
 Frog Life Cycle
Ant Life Cycle

Get ready for Tuesday's Zoom
Pathfinder Activity ideasThe theme is going to be . . . animals! Feel free to dress up if you want to, I will be wearing either my Tiger or zebra onesie. During our time together we will begin by taking turns to either share an animal teddy or a drawing of an animal. For this I will mute the group and then unmute each child when they put their hand up ready to share.

Afterwards we will play Beetle Drive together. To prepare for playing this I advise you to practice the game with your family. The instructions are on the link below, there is also a link for how to make a dice in case you do not have one.
Making a dice

Headteacher Awards
We have selected a few children for Headteacher Awards this week. Please check out the blog to read why the following children have been chosen - Macy, Josiah, Ella, Kaye, Isobel and Lexi.

Daily Reflection
Good evening Year 2, today has been a really quiet day. We hope those of you we have not heard from are well and are still joining in with our home learning tasks. Please remember the dice and beetle drive activity for those of you who are joining us on Zoom on Tuesday. I will email the Zoom link the day before again. Have a fantastic weekend! From Mrs Leaker and Mrs Triggs

Some photos of your home learning
Designing Superheros

Reflecting on what we are proud of and gender stereotypes

Drawing life cycles


Using millilitres

Photographing stages of melting ice

Lexi has written another story and completed some maths challenges

Ella warmed up for learning by playing an adaptation of Simon Says and joined in with the Cosmic Kids session recreating the story of The Twits

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Friday 17th July

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