Thursday, June 4, 2020

Friday 5th June - Home Learning Basic Needs (Happy Reading Happy Learning - Science ...

Good morning Year 2,

We hope you all have a good day today and a fantastic weekend. Fridays are great, because they mean the weekend is nearly here. What are you all planning to do this weekend?

Thank you for staying in touch with us. Yesterday was a wonderful day, as so many of you emailed to share home learning. If you have not seen your friends amazing Brunel drawings please have a look at yesterday's blog.

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by joining a dressed up Joe Wicks, ‘The Body Coach’, on YouTube.

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - what was the least exciting part of the story?
Non-fiction text - how could the information be presented better?

The Elves and the Shoemaker
Today focuses on a riddle task. A riddle is a type of poem that works like a puzzle. Riddles describe something and sometimes use words with a double meaning. Watch the BBC short clip about riddles .
Afterwards turn to page 17, which requires you to read a riddle and guess what it is about. Then have fun writing your own riddle. The link for this pack is below.


As the week comes to a close so does our shape and rotation maths topic, created by Oak National Academy.  We would like you to choose 'Lesson 15: To consolidate and review'. 

Animals including humans
Animals have basic needs. Basic needs are the things animals need so that they can stay alive. To begin our science topic we would like you to find answers to the questions below by researching in books or online. 
What are the basic needs of animals?
Why are these needs important? 

Headteacher Awards
From our class we have selected Isobel, Ella, Tallulah, Josiah and Reggie for Headteacher Awards. Take a look at the newsletter to read all about their achievements.

Daily Reflection
We have really enjoyed reading your animal riddles today. You have worked so hard to create a list of adjectives linked to your chosen animal and spent time putting these with verbs to create a riddle. We are so pleased with the riddles you have created. Our photos for today begin with the riddles. Please read each one and see if you can work out which animal each riddle is describing. Next week's planning will be uploaded onto the blog later on this evening.

Some photos of your home learning
Creating animal riddles

Drawing portraits of Isambard Kingdom Brunel


Warming up for learning

Researching the basic needs of animals

Checking bug hotels
Consolidating maths learning


 Grace used her senses during a mindfulness walk

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...