Monday, June 29, 2020

Tuesday 30th June - Home Learning

About - Zoom
Good morning Year 2,

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at 10 am on Zoom, please remember to bring a pencil, paper and a dice. Also, when you join the chat, remember to include your name so I can identify who you are and let you in.

Your parents/carers received an email yesterday, ask them to click on the 'join Zoom meeting' link then enter the details below.

Meeting ID: 917 8267 6248
Password: 9jw3r6

This week is outdoor learning week and I have come across some outdoor What Am I riddles for you to think about. Here is today's:

Rake me and pile me,
Roll up your sleeves.
I've fallen from branches,
I'm a pile of __________ .

Today's Learning Tasks:
England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) - The Official Website of ...
Warm up for learning: s
ummer games challenge

Each week the children can take part in the summer games challenge. They will compete against themselves to achieve their personal best score in 60 seconds. When the children have achieved their best score let me know how they did and I will add it to our class score sheet. These will then be uploaded on the website at the end of each week. You have until Friday evening to practice and let me know your best score.
This weeks challenge is the Cricket Challenge, click on the link below.

FREE! - Five Senses Scavenger Hunt Worksheet (teacher made)Outdoor Learning Task
This week is outdoor learning week. To embrace this we will set a fun outdoor activity for you to complete. Today we have added a link below to an I Spy Scavenger Hunt.
I Spy Scavenger Hunt

BBC Radio 2 - 500 Words, The Game of Life by Gia MReading
1. Listen to the story 'The Game of Life', which has been written by Gia M. The story is found on the BBC Radio 2 using the link

2. Spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.

Fiction text - has the author put certain words in bold or italic? If so, why have they done this?
Non-fiction text - what are the subheadings for?

dog listening - Google Search | Dog behavior, Dogs, Your dogSuperheroes
We are spending another week with our superheroes Jo Awesome, Raja Extraordinary and Sammy Exceptional. Turn to page 14 to help Sammy complete a poem based on what he can hear.
The link for this pack: Superheroes

Number Bonds to 10 Sign – Springboard Supplies
Measures: capacity and volume
To continue to practice solving word problems related to measures. Scroll down to the measures subheading before selecting lesson 7, as otherwise you will repeating an old shapes or fractions lesson. 
Select Lesson 7: to use known number bonds and derive related facts to 1000, using the context of measures.

Play a game of Quick Write. See how many words you can spell correctly in 2 minutes. Ask someone you live with to read the words out so you cannot see how they are spelt. Choose either challenge 1 or challenge 2. Each week these will progress in difficulty.

Challenge 1: the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, your, they, be, he, me, she, we, no.

Challenge 2: come, some, one, once, ask, friend, school, put, are, were, was, is, his, has, I, you.

Our Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Lexi, as she read a story she has written to the class on Zoom. Well done for being super brave and reading so fluently.

Daily Update
It was so much fun playing Beetle Drive with most of you on Zoom this morning. Later on this afternoon there is a staff meeting, as a result my responses to your emails will occur later than usual. Have a great afternoon. From Mrs Leaker

Some photos of your home learning
Writing listening poems

Using number bonds to calculate capacity and ordering capacity
Practicing spellings

More superhero cuff creations

Lexi has created a dress for her doll and learnt about index pages
Kaye has been designing a superhero and researching the life cycle of a frog

Ella completed the Catch and Clap challenge

Ella responding to our reading question


Anonymous said...

Conrad said a pile of leaves for the riddle.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Conrad, the riddle is about a pile of leaves. Look out for
another outdoors themed riddle in tomorrows blog.

Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...