Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Wednesday 10th June - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

Watch out for some rain today, I love going out for walks when we have had a little rain as it means all of the snails and woodlice are easier to spot.

Today's riddle comes from Isobel. Which animal could she be describing?

Today's Learning Tasks:

Warm up your body
Get ready for learning by selecting a Cosmic Kids session on YouTube. Try one you have not done before such as the Cosmic Kids Dance Party or the Stretch Safari.

Please spend 10 minutes reading and respond to the appropriate question below.
Fiction text - what is the main event in the story? Why do you think this?
Non-fiction text - find an example of a technical word. Read the sentence it is in. What do you think it means based on how it is used in this sentence?

We would like you to spend some time revising the phonic sounds this morning, as it has been a while since we have last done this. If you come across sounds that you have forgotten, please write them down and take time to practice these over the next couple of weeks. Log onto Phonics Play using the username march20 and the password home, then select Flashcards Speed Trail phases 3 & 5A.

Rainbows, rainbows everywhere!
Turn to page 8, which requires you to reread the glossary (on page 7) in order to check you understand all of the word meanings. Afterwards we want you to complete some vocabulary challenges, these involve defining, drawing and explaining.
Rainbows, rainbows everywhere

Today's Oak National Academy lesson is focusing on fractions of shapes. Use the website link below to access 'lesson 3: to identify half of a shape'.     https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-year/year-2/subjects/maths
Extra challenge:
1. Martha invited 20 friends to her birthday. A quarter of them were girls. How many were boys?
2. In a box of 24 pencils, half were sharp. What number of pencils were not sharp?

Camera angles help to position the viewer so that they can understand the overall setting and relationships between characters in a story. The way a character or object is photographed or portrayed through a photo, helps give emotional information and guides the viewer to make certain judgments about the character or object. There are five different camera angles, click on the link below to learn about them.

We would like you to choose an object you would like to photograph. Once chosen, photograph your object using each of the five camera angles you have learnt about. Then email us your camera angle photos as we would love to see what you have created, send them to year.2@ctk.education. 

If you do not have a camera please ask someone in your family if you can borrow their camera or phone. If you are unable to access a camera do not worry, you can have a try at drawing an object from different angles instead.

Star of the Day
Our Star of the Day is Logan, we have chosen Logan because she showed perseverance to get into the right frame of mind  for completing the learning tasks.

Daily Reflection
Thank you for sharing your amazing photography skills with us, we are impressed with everyone who had a go at taking photos from different angles. The answer to Isobel's riddle is a dog, well done to Wilfred who solved this riddle earlier today.

Some photos of your home learning
Taking photos from different camera angles

Tallulah designed her hen puppet
Practicing phonics

Having fun warming up for learning

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...