Sunday, July 12, 2020

Monday 12th July - Home Learning

Good morning Year 2,

Classroom Cartoon, school, furniture, class, blackboard png | PNGWing
We have reached our final week of learning together. I expect lots of you are looking forward to a well deserved rest, at the same time as feeling slightly sad about seeing our time as a class coming to an end. Thankfully those of you who are returning this week have four fun, creative days with either Mrs Triggs or I to look forward to. We are looking forward to welcoming each of you back to school tomorrow. Have a great day!

Today's Learning Tasks:

children holding hands walking on a path is always so cute ...
Warm up for learning

Get ready for learning by going outside for a 20 minute walk.
Go Noodle dance class online

Read a text of your choice for 10 minutes. 

PhonicsPlay - Phase 2 ResourcesPhonics
Our phonics this week is split into three sections.
1. Write out the alphabet both lowercase and in capitals.
2. Sound out the sounds shown on the flashcards using Phonics Play Flashcards Phase 5.
3. Play Buried Treasure Phase 5 (on the Phonics Play site)    username: march20                                                                                                                                     password:home

The Quangle Wangle's Hat
Tasmania Security of Payment Definitions | Adjudicate TodayThis week we are finishing our writing pack. Today we would like you to turn to page 9, which guide you through a Vocabulary Challenge to match words to their meanings.
The link for this pack: The Quangle Wangle's Hat booklet

How to use Numbots at home. – Worsbrough Common Primary SchoolCalculations
Spend 10-20 minutes on Numbots using your Rock Stars log in.

Multiplication and Division
In preparation for next year OAK is moving us onto the 3 and 4 times tables. Make sure you scroll down to the Multiplication and Division subheading before selecting lesson 6, as otherwise you will repeating an old lesson. 
Select Lesson 6: To apply knowledge of our multiplication tables.
Alternative Maths and English tasks
Classroom Secrets | Choice | Quality | BalanceThis task is for those of you who have been struggling with our maths and English tasks. 

Spelling App - Squeebles Spelling Test

Spellings – Quick Write, see how many words you can spell correctly in 2 minutes. Ask someone you live with to read the words out so you cannot see how the words are spelt. Choose either challenge 1 or challenge 2.

Challenge 1: clothes, cold, gold, hold, told, every, great, break, steak, busy, pretty, people, beautiful, after, fast, last.

Challenge 2: past, father, class, water, again, grass, pass, plant, path, bath, hour, move, prove, half, money, improve. 

Hope, the Boat (2016) - IMDb
Story Time
I love finishing the day with a story so all this week we are doing just that. All of the stories will be online, just click on the daily link we provide and enjoy the story. Today's story is called Hope, the Boat.

Photo of bubble 2a classroom

Photo of bubble 2b classroom

Daily Reflection
Good afternoon, we have spent the day busily preparing for tomorrow's bubble groups. It has been such a good day to be back together with Mrs Gray and Mrs Triggs. As you can see from the photos, each of you who are coming back tomorrow have your own table and carpet mat which will be your space for the week. Please remember to bring a drink bottle which will go home with you each day, as well as a coat which will go on the back of your chair and a packed lunch if you are not having a school meal. Thanks to all of you who have emailed us today, I will go through all of these shortly and add photos to our blog.

Some photos of your home learning
Multiplying and dividing

Practicing spellings

Some of Kaye's learning from last week

Completing the Vocabulary Challenge

Ella completing reading, phonics and Numbots

Lexi sat still so her mum could create these colourful plats.

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Friday 17th July

Good morning Year 2, We have made it to the last day of our year in Year 2. It has been a very unusual year and one we are all going to r...